Products from

Società Agricola L’Acqua Viva Srl

Jam maker, Preserves maker, Beekeeper, Fruit farmer, Vegetable grower, Zanica
L’ Acqua Viva Società Agricola
L’ Acqua Viva Società Agricola started Società Agricola L’Acqua Viva Srl in 2018. Their farm is located in Zanica, Lombardia.

Their farm

Coltiviamo piccoli frutti,
Abbiamo qualche arnia per la produzione di miele!
Un fantastico orto per le verdure di stagione.
Erbe aromatiche profumate e salutari e lavoriamo con tanta fantasia e passione.

Via Serio 3A
24050 Zanica
Established in
full-time employees

Società Agricola L’Acqua Viva Srl's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Prodotti della nostra azienda

All the main ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use handmade ingredients

Secondary ingredients

Secondary ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a local farmer

I use local products (-150 km)

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

My other ingredients come from a local farmer

I use local products (-150 km)

This information has been declared by the Producer.