Products from

Società Agricola L’Acqua Viva Srl

Jam maker, Preserves maker, Beekeeper, Fruit farmer, Vegetable grower, Zanica
L’ Acqua Viva Società Agricola
Interested by Soups and preserves, herbs and plants & eggs in Lombardia? Theses products are sold by Società Agricola L’Acqua Viva Srl in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

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Dado Vegetale

Herbs and Plants

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Santoreggia essiccata
Timo essiccato
Rosmarino essiccato
Salvia essiccata
Uova colorate
Sciroppo di Sambuco
Nettare di Lampone

Coffee, tea and infusions

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Tisana di Menta Piperita
Tisana di Menta Bergamotto
Tisana di Melissa

Condiments & preserves

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Sale Rosa & Basilico
Zenzero Essiccato
Mix Aromatico
Sale alle Erbe 🌿

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Miele di ACACIA 🍯
Confettura Extra di Lamponi
Confettura Extra di Mora
Miele di castagno

Hampers and Baskets

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Miele & Confettura Mirtillo
Sali e Aromi x3