Products from


Miller, Grain miller, Saint-Mesmin
Charlotte Audouin
Charlotte Audouin started epicoeur in 2013. Their farm is located in Saint-Mesmin, Pays de la Loire.

Their farm

transformation de céréales (blé tendre, épeautre, sarrasin) en produit culinaire (farines et pâtes).
Les "pâtes" au blé tendre se différencient par leur goût et leur texture et la durée de cuisson (2 à 4min suivant les formes).

La rambaudière
85700 Saint-Mesmin
Established in
full-time employees

epicoeur's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient


All the main ingredients I use are produced by myself

I use handmade ingredients, I use organic ingredients

Secondary ingredients

Epices et condiments

My ingredients come from an EU supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer, My ingredients come from a non-EU supplier

I use organic ingredients

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.